Thursday, July 28, 2005

thought this was a good way to show how big bilko is getting! my foot is on the left!
Nob sack

This is me Cus! just spent a couple of weeks with us. she got a years visa, and has just moved on to sydney.
Nob sack

howde partner! this is a photo of me at my ranch in deepest er........ Kingsley
Nob sack

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Just bought me sen an outback hat! Rather fetching if i do say so myself!
Nob sack

This is me and Bilko........ I'm the one without any hair! teehee
Nob sack

Monday, July 11, 2005

This is a picture, of my back garden. Don't know why you would be bothered but there you go! Bilko the doggy, has worked out that he's easy big enough to jump over...... fair well our little orange tree....... you will be missed!
Nob sack

Hello, Thought I would post this piccy, of my bike stood next to a lighthouse in Fremantle.
Nob sack